
BTD-01 Your Timetable Fills Up Completely

About this guide

This guide will help you decide what to do next if you find your timetable fills up completely. If you have been promoting your lessons and taking care of your existing students you will eventually reach a point when your timetable fills up. Once you do have a full timetable it's important to consider what options you have going forward. How do you deal with any prospective students? Should you adjust anything? This guide will give you information on what to expect and help you plan ahead.

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BPL-03 Properly managing your timetable

About this guide

Tutors often run into serious issues due to poor timetable managing. This guide will spell out typical issues tutors face and help to make sure you never run into the same issues. Once you have set up your timetable (see BPL-02), it's important to make sure you continue to run your timetable effectively. Simple solutions and suggestions are provided for you.

Why it’s important to properly manage your timetable

It doesn’t matter if you have three or thirty students, you need to have a timetable you can control. The difference between a professional tutor and an unprofessional tutor can be as little as how they manage their timetables.

Take this scenario as an example: imagine you’re a student starting with a new tutor. You both agree on a lesson time and you show up for the first lesson on time. The tutor seems surprised to see you when you ring the doorbell. He rushes to get some materials ready and proceeds with the lesson. Next week you show up and after three rings of the doorbell he runs out to tell you to wait five minutes as his earlier student’s lesson is running late. You show up next week and when your tutor answers the door, he flat out tells you that he forgot you had a lesson today.

While the above scenario seems extreme, the reality is that there are many students experiencing the same situations. While nobody may be as bad as the tutor described, it gives you an idea of what would be going through the student’s head. Do you think a tutor who treats their students like this would develop a good reputation and attract more students? Its more likely current students will quit in frustration and tell everybody not to go to him. By properly managing and organizing your timetable, you avoid these issues.

Let's look at some simple strategies you can put in place to avoid issues like the one above.

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BPL-02 Setting up your timetable

About this guide

After you decide on the type of tuition service you will offer people (read BPL-01 for more information), the next step is to set up your timetable. Having a timetable planned out and ready to go will help you sound like a professional even if you are yet to teach your first student. An unprofessional tutor will often run into trouble due to poor timetable planning. This guide will help you answer the important questions and set up the right timetable for you.

Why it’s important to properly set up your timetable

Set up your timetable poorly and you risk burning out. If you don’t set limits and control when you have students, you could end up with more students than you can manage and spend so much time teaching you won’t have any time for yourself.

Set up your timetable effectively and you will love teaching, as well as make great money. While it’s not hard to properly set up your timetable, many tutors overlook this important stage and run into issues later on. Now let's look at some important areas to think about.

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TES-02 Weekly Timetable

About this resource

This essential printout will help you keep your timetable organized. Being able to see at a glance your entire week's worth of lessons will avoid issues later on. If you receive a phone call from a prospective student, you will be able to quickly offer available times without the worry that the times may clash with other students. Keeping an organized timetable will help you be seen as a professional. It is recommended you print this timetable out and place it at the front of your teaching binder so you can quickly refer to it whenever you need to.

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