New Online Workshop

Our guides and courses provide you with a lot of detail on various topics. But there are some topics that require more depth and involvement. Workshops provide an excellent way to give you extra depth and interaction with the intention of achieving a specific goal.

Our first workshop is called: Website Referral Machine

The goal of this workshop is to turn your website into a student referral machine. It's a big goal but with the wide range of tools available today, it's becoming a very achievable goal. We've been researching and collecting best practices and this workshop is the end result of all that research.

Here are a few things the Website Referral Machine Workshop will help you achieve:

  • Receive PDF reports analyzing your website before and after the workshop
  • Learn SEO best practices and apply them to your website
  • Learn funnel management, lead conversion and tracking using Google Analytics
  • Identify problems with your website and fix them

This online workshop is free for Live and Teach Guitar Members and runs for 6 weeks. The workshop will start in November (date to be confirmed). Along the way you will receive active support to implement the advice and lessons in the workshop.

Find out more and register for the workshop here