ready to give to your students

WNR-04 Learning Sharps and Flats

About this worksheet

Once your student feels confident in identifying sharps and flats separately, it's a good idea to test their understanding by mixing them all together. Although in normal situations the written music will contain either sharps or flats (for simplicity), having both will encourage the student to think of each note as either sharp or flat (eg: Db or C#). Just like the previous worksheets, this one will require the student to correctly identify the notes as well as fill in the blanks on the staff and Guitar TAB. It's recommended the previous two worksheets are completed before giving this one (see related worksheets below).

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Related worksheets

WNR-02 Learning Sharps

WNR-03 Learning Flats

WNR-03 Learning Flats

About this worksheet

This worksheet will help your student learn to identify flats in both standard notation and Guitar TAB. Flats are easy to learn once the student learns to understand the basic rules of music notation. The worksheet will cover a few different ways of reading music and will ensure your student is familiar with all uses of flats. They will also be required to not only read the music but to fill in blanks and write music on the staff. This is a great way for the student to feel confident in what they are learning.

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Related worksheets

WNR-02 Learning Sharps

WNR-02 Learning Sharps

About this worksheet

This worksheet will help your student learn to properly identify sharps in written music. The exercises will teach the student to read both standard notation and Guitar TAB. When your student understands the basics of how sharps are written in standard notation, they will be able to read music faster and easier. An answer key is provided in case there is any confusion with the correct answers.

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Related worksheets

WNR-01 Random Notes C Major Scale

WNR-01 Random Notes C Major Scale

About this worksheet

This worksheet will give your student practice reading both standard notation and Guitar TAB. They will learn to recognize the notes in the C Major Scale across the first four frets on the guitar. They will also have practice in writing in the correct notes in the staff as well as in Guitar TAB. This will be the first time many students have properly studied written music so encourage your student to take their time and not to worry if they make mistakes.

Worksheets like this one works best if you give it to the student at the end of a lesson and ask them to try to fill it out during the week and bring it back in next lesson. This will give them a chance to figure out the answers on their own and you can provide essential feedback in the next lesson. An Answer Key is provided if you need it.

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Related lessons

BEG-05 How to read Standard Notation