Marketing 101 Course for Guitar Teachers

Marketing is the most important aspect of building your guitar teaching business. With a poor marketing approach, you will struggle to find and keep new students. We've created a comprehensive course on marketing based on what we learned studying marketing formally at University.

If you can understand and apply the principles and lessons covered in this course, you will succeed with your guitar teaching business. That may seem like a bold claim, but as you go through the course, you will learn what causes people to sign up for lessons and how you can influence their decision.

In this course you will learn:

  • How to properly understand the market for guitar students and how you play a part in it
  • Why people buy products and sign up for services
  • How to change the way you write and speak to motivate people to choose you as their teacher
  • The main aspects of marketing and why most guitar teachers are missing most of the picture

You will also have plenty of opportunity to actually practice your marketing skills within the course. Marketing is a skill like any other and requires practice over time. The course has been designed to give you as much practice as possible before you start applying your skills on your guitar teaching business.

Access the Marketing 101 Course Now

At the end of the course you will have the opportunity to receive ongoing marketing lessons and support not found anywhere else on this website. Highly recommended for all guitar teachers.