
Ukulele handout for your students

Want a quick and easy way to add something a bit different to your lessons? Try teaching your student how to play the Ukulele. We've put together a simple handout containing some basic Ukulele chords. Your student will enjoy being able to quickly learn a new instrument as all their guitar skills can easily be applied to the Ukulele.

You will be able to explain the Ukulele tuning to your student as well as practice some new strumming patterns.

Access the handout here: UKU-01 Ukulele Chords

More handouts on the Ukulele will be added to the Lesson Materials Section soon.

UKU-01 Ukulele Chords

About this resource

If you're looking at a quick and easy way to introduce something a little different to your lessons, get yourself a Ukulele and show your student how to use it. This handout provides your student with a range of basic Major and minor chords on the Ukulele including a fretboard diagram. The Ukulele is incredibly simple to teach as your student will already have the necessary skills from learning guitar.

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