lessons you can apply from business and teaching books

Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us by Daniel Pink

The book Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us by Daniel Pink gives us an excellent look at behind the scenes of our motivation. For guitar teachers this book can help you shift the way you think about motivating your students and getting better results from them. A lot of what we know about motivation is wrong (and possibly harmful) and Drive clearly spells out what we should do to motivate people in the best way possible.

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The 4 Hour Work Week by Tim Ferriss

While the title 'The 4 Hour Work Week' sounds a bit over-the-top, the book contains some excellent ideas and advice that can bring significant improvements to your business and life. The book gives business owners and professionals a new way of thinking and a system to follow for better productivity and better results.

Unlike other books covered in these summaries (most of the other books stretch the ideas out to fill the pages), this one is worth reading in full. There is a lot of useful information on a wide range of topics. In this summary we'll focus on the areas most likely to impact you as a guitar teacher.

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Purple Cow by Seth Godin

Unlike other business books covered, Purple Cow by Seth Godin is a short and easy read (like many of Seth's books). It's filled with some simple ideas that can have a big impact on your business when applied proplerly. In this summary we'll look at why Purple Cow is loved by entrepreneurs and professionals and how you can apply the lessons to your guitar teaching business.

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Start with Why by Simon Sinek

Start with Why by Simon Sinek

Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action gives us a great way to think about how we deal with students in and outside of lessons. The lessons from this book can help you improve your marketing efforts as well as improve your effectiveness in lessons.

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Make it Stick Book Summary

Make it Stick: The Science of Successful Learning

Make it Stick: The Science of Successful Learning by Peter C. Brown, Henry L. Roediger III & Mark A. McDaniel shares with us the surprising results from countless studies on learning and teaching techniques.Make it Stick Book Summary

From a guitar teacher's point of view, the findings from these studies are incredibly useful in shaping how we give guitar lessons and how students should practice. The studies clearly show that a lot of what we think we know about teaching, practice and learning is flat-out wrong.

While this book should be essential reading for every guitar teacher, it's a long and drawn out read. While the lessons and insights are incredibly useful, they're spread out across over 300 pages of filler. This summary will condense the book down into it's key findings and explain how they can be used to help your students learn faster and practice more effectively.

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Mindset by Carol Dweck

Mindset by Carol Dweck

Mindset: The New Psychology of Success by Carol Dweck provides some excellent insights into how people think about their abilities, intelligence and personality. As a guitar teacher the lessons from this book can have a significant impact on your students as well as on every aspect of your life.

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Influence by Robert Cialdini

Influence by Robert Cialdini

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The Checklist Manifesto by Atul Gawande

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The Dip by Seth Godin

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The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson

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