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New guide on teaching guitar via Skype

If you want more flexibility with your schedule or want to fill up your schedule but can't seem to find more students, teaching guitar online may be the solution you need. When done right you can teach students across the globe and choose your own hours as there will always be people looking for teachers.

This guide will help you get started with teaching online via Skype or similar software. It discusses the common issues, limitation and solutions to teaching online as well as provides you with best practices from other teachers who already teach online.

Check it out here: BXP-01 Teaching Online via Skype

More guides are available in the Business Guides section.

New lesson plan available on applying seventh chords

This guitar lesson plan follows on from CHD-01 which covered triads, sus & add chords. The lesson covers various seventh chords and how each chord could be used in a musical context. Teaching chords this way helps your student learn the difference between the chords far better than merely using a chord chart. When your student hears the chord in a musical context, they learn the unique characteristic of each type of chord.

Access the lesson plan here: CHD-02 Seventh Chords

New worksheet on the Aeolian mode

A new worksheet is available to help your student really understand the Aeolian mode. The worksheet will teach the student how to harmonize the mode and figure out diatonic triads and seventh chords. This is an important skill for them to learn as it will help them apply the mode whenever needed.

Access the worksheet here: WMO-06 Chords in Aeolian Mode

Worksheets on the other modes are available in the Lesson Materials Section.

New lesson plan on triads, sus and add chords

A new guitar lesson plan series has been created focusing on chords. This series will give you musical examples for various types of chords for your students to see the chords in context. Instead of giving your student a chord chart with the different chords, you can talk about each type of chord and show how each could be used in music. This is a great way to learn chords because your student will learn to identify chord types by ear in songs.

The first lesson plan in this series covers basic chords such as triads, suspended and add chords. More lesson plans on other chord types will be available soon.

Access the lesson plan here: CHD-01 Triads, Sus & Add Chords

Live and Teach Guitar now on Facebook

We've now on Facebook to provide you with updates on resources, provide you quick teaching tips and to open discussions on guitar teacher related topics. If you're on Facebook simply like our page to receive updates.

Like our page for updates, tips and more

Help your student with their coordination

A new guitar lesson plan is available to help you improve your student's coordination. Quite often students will have trouble matching their fretting hand and picking hand movements. This can be extremely frustrating for the student because they know what they need to do but just can't seem to fix it. The exercises in this lesson plan help develop coordination in different ways. The exercises also help teach the student about scales and creating their own musical licks.

Access the lesson here: EXE-13 Coordinating both hands

More guitar lesson plans on exercises are available in the Lesson Materials Section

You own website

How to find new guitar students in 2013

If you want to grow your student base in 2013, now is the best time to take action as many people will be looking for a guitar teacher in January. Some people will have received their first guitar as a Christmas present and some people will decide to learn as their 'New Years Resolution'. This short guide will show you how you can find these people and offer them lessons.

Attracting students online

If you don’t already have a website promoting your tuition service then you need to get one. A large percentage of people will solely use the Internet to find a guitar tutor so if you don’t have an online presence they will not find you. BWS-01 What a website can do for you will explain why it’s so important to have your own site. Having your own site allows you to control your message to students.
As a Live and Teach Guitar Member you can set up your own website for free. Even if you don't know anything about setting up websites we're happy to set it up for you. Once your site is up and running, people will start to find you. But without the website the chances are those same people will find your competitor's websites instead.

To attract new students in 2013, you can place a large message on the home page stating:
“New openings available for 2013, please contact me here to book in a time before all openings are taken.”

A simple message like this one creates a sense of urgency and gives the prospective student an incentive to take action now.

You own website

If you would like your own custom website to attract new students like the picture above, you can have one free as part of membership. Find out more here.

Make the most of Social Media

As well as having your own website, you can also quickly attract new students by using Social Media such as Facebook and Twitter. Guides BMK-06 Using Facebook and BMK-07 Facebook Marketing Strategies will show you in depth how to use Facebook to find people looking for teachers and how to spread the word to people in your local area. All it takes is for somebody to think "Oh my friend wants to learn guitar, maybe I'll let them know about this person" and you have the opportunity to gain a new student.

Twitter is an extremely powerful tool you can put to use to find you new students. Regardless of where you live, there will be people in your area looking for a guitar teacher right now. Use our guide BMK-08 Using Twitter to find new students to find these people and take action. The chances are your competitors aren't using Twitter which leaves a massive opportunity for you. A simple search like the one below shows how powerful Twitter can be to find new people wanting to learn guitar. Use our guide to make the most of Twitter.

Use Twitter to find new students

As you can see from the image above, there are always people thinking about learning guitar. So if you want to teach guitar in 2013 but aren't sure whether there are enough people in your local area, read through our guides and you'll be able to find plenty of students.

How to win students over

Once prospective students find and contact you, whether they decide to go with you or not is completely dependent on how you handle the situation. Will you be prepared to answer all their questions? Do you know your timetable back to front and can straight away suggest available times? Have you decided what rates to charge and can you handle any questions on discounts? How you handle these questions is paramount as this first contact will be the crucial first impression your potential student has of you. If you if and umm and sound like you aren’t prepared, they will assume you don’t know your stuff and move on to somebody else. On the other hand, if you have all answers ready you will sound professional and people are more likely to sign up on the spot.

There are a few guides available to help you win students in this first contact. BQA-01 FAQ from prospective students covers most of the questions you are likely to get and suggested answers. It’s highly recommended you read through this guide quite a few times to get a feel for the answers so when somebody contacts you, you will be prepared.

Use specials and discounts effectively

If you are just starting as a guitar tutor and haven’t decided on your rates yet, there are a few guides to help you set them and answer any questions related to rates and discounts. BPL-08 Setting your rates 1: Comparing the competition will guide you through setting your rates based on the competition in your area. BPL-09 Setting your rates 2: Prepaid lessons & discounts explains how to handle questions on prepaying lessons and whether you should offer discounts or not. It’s extremely important you read through the guide and follow the instructions as it will make a big difference to your income.

Be sure to read through BPL-02 Setting up your timetable and BPL-03 Properly managing your timetable to make sure you organize your timetable effectively to prevent any issues with clashing lesson times. Many potential issues are obvious until it’s too late, so read through the guide for more information.

Finally, you may want to decide whether you want to offer group lessons or only one-on-one lessons this year. Each have their own pros and cons so have a read through BPL-06 Group lessons and BPL-07 One-on-one lessons to fully understand the issues you need to consider.

Keep your new students happy to win them over for the long term

Once you manage to find a couple people willing to try you out, your goal changes. Now you need to keep them happy so they stay with you for the long term. Quite often new students will give up so your challenge is to keep them motivated. The best way to keep your student motivated is to provide them with relevant lesson materials and set achievable goals. If your student wants to learn Metal or Rock or Blues, make sure you provide them with plenty of material to work towards their specific goal. Talk to your new student about what they want to learn and set a plan in place with them on how you will help them achieve their goals.

The image below demonstrates how easy it is to tailor fit the resources to your students needs. Instead of teaching out of a book which limits your flexibility, our guitar lesson plans allow you to choose only the most relevant materials.

Our high quality guitar teaching materials

Check out our wide range of guitar lesson plans and create a curriculum relevant for each student.

Good luck in 2013 and we will guide you all the way

If this is your first year teaching then good luck and enjoy it! You have all the resources you need available at any time on this website so you should never feel worried or concerned. The guides listed above will explain in great detail actions to take to attract plenty of students. If you have already been teaching for a while then you should still read through all the guides as everybody can always improve their situation. There will be plenty of new guides and lesson materials in 2013 so keep an eye on the News Section. Good luck with your tuition service in 2013.

If you aren't yet a member to this site then you are missing out on all the resources listed above. These guides alone can make a significant difference to the income you earn from lessons and quality of the interactions with potential students. If you really want an advantage over your competition this year, then you should consider registering for membership to this site. The professional lesson materials and guides can make a big different to your tuition service. You can read more information on what you would have access to here.

New business guide: Using Twitter to find new students

A detailed new guide is available in Business Guides section to show you how you can use Twitter to find new students. If you're looking at growing your student base in 2013, Twitter can help you identify people thinking about learning guitar and it gives you the opportunity to contact those people and offer your services. The guide will show you how to find the relevant people, how to contact them, what to say and how to win their business.

If you want to grow your student base in 2013, check this guide out.

Access the guide here: BMK-08 Using Twitter to find new students

There are other guides available to help you find new students in the Business Guides Section.

New flyer templates available

If you're looking at growing your student base in 2013, the best strategy is to use a mix of marketing and promotion methods. Apart from online methods, you can use the old fashioned letterbox flyer method. You simply print out some flyers and go for a walk in your local area. This low cost method is a great way to get people thinking about lessons in the new year.

We have created a few different templates you can use to attract some students in 2013 including a Christmas themed flyer. Try using the Christmas flyer now and later next year you can always use the other templates.

Access the templates here: BMK-12 Guitar Lesson Flyers

More marketing material and guides are available in the Business Guides Section.

Christmas melodies for your students to learn

A new guitar lesson plan is available which you can use to teach your students four basic Christmas melodies. Don't just give this material to your children students, give them to your teenagers and adult students! Challenge them to turn the basic melodies into interesting solos. If you have a student learning Metal, challenge them to turn Jingle Bells into a heavy metal solo. If you have an adult student learning Flamenco, challenge them to turn Silent Night into a Spanish themed piece.

Use these simple melodies as teaching tools to help your students develop their creativity. You may be surprised to find your students return in the New Year with impressive sounding versions of the melodies. Set each student the challenge to transform these simple melodies into something more.

Access the lesson material here: BAS-11 Christmas Songs